Congress: Pass the BRAVE Burma and Rohingya GAP Acts

The Rohingya GAP and BRAVE Burma Acts much be passed

Congress seems poised to finally do right for the Rohingya and people of Burma The BRAVE Burma Act Thank you to Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) for sponsoring this bill and to Congresspeople Brad Sherman (D-CA), Betty McCollum (R-MN) and Ann Wagner (D-MO) for cosponsoring. The Myanmar military seized power on February 1, 2021. To resist … Read more

Burma is burning

Burma is burning

The Myanmar military is building up troops and equipment in Chin State and neighboring areas in North-Western Burma. This past week, the Myanmar military has burned down homes and churches in the Chin town of Thantlang. We are concerned that the military is on the verge of a large-scale offensive against civilians, using tactics ominously reminiscent … Read more

#Stop GenocideGems from funding the Myanmar Military


You may have heard of #BloodDiamonds, but how much do you know about #GenocideGems? Myanmar produces more than 90% of the world’s rubies and jade, and these stones command the highest prices on the international market. Because it dominates Burma’s gemstone industry, the Myanmar military profits when high-end jewelry retailers – like Harry Winston (owned by … Read more

Military is Letting Covid Ravage Myanmar


The third – and thus far most serious – wave of Covid is hitting Myanmar hard. Hospitals have reached maximum capacity. At military hospitals, staff are turning away civilians under orders to limit treatment to military personnel and their relatives. As Progressive Voice reports: “Ultimately, the root cause of all these human rights and humanitarian catastrophes is … Read more