Congress: Pass the BRAVE Burma and Rohingya GAP Acts

The Rohingya GAP and BRAVE Burma Acts much be passed

Congress seems poised to finally do right for the Rohingya and people of Burma The BRAVE Burma Act Thank you to Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) for sponsoring this bill and to Congresspeople Brad Sherman (D-CA), Betty McCollum (R-MN) and Ann Wagner (D-MO) for cosponsoring. The Myanmar military seized power on February 1, 2021. To resist … Read more

Pass the Rohingya GAP Act

The Rohingya GAP Act must become law

Seven years is too long to wait for justice Tell your Members of Congress to support the Rohingya GAP Act (H.R.8936) U.S. Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) have introduced the Rohingya Genocide, Accountability, and Protection (GAP) Act (H.R.8936). The Rohingya GAP Act seeks to provide protection, support, and humanitarian assistance to Rohingya … Read more

What’s Next for the Rohingya?

  Two years after the U.S. State Department determined the Rohingya are being targeted for genocide, please join us for a Congressional briefing hosted by Campaign for a New Myanmar, Emgage, International Campaign for the Rohingya, No Business With Genocide, and Genocide Watch. Date: Thursday, March 28th, 2024 Time: 1.30pm – 2.30pm EDT Location: Rayburn House Office … Read more

ICYMI: How the Sanctions Are Working


Happy holidays!  Here are two must-read articles on sanctions and Burma from the essential Frontier Myanmar. Read them as you sip your egg nog or tea. “The end of Myanmar’s resource boom could doom the junta” Key quote: “The military has since the 1990s relied on three main partners to weather sanctions: Singapore for … Read more

We’re Making Real Progress for Myanmar


Dear Alyson:Sanctions by the US and European Union have left the Myanmar military scrambling for money. According to Myanmar NOW, since the US and EU imposed sanctions on key army-controlled banks and oil companies, over half a billion dollars of oil and gas money is being held in foreign bank accounts out of the military’s … Read more

We must stop the flow of money to MOGE

Stop funding MOGE

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, organized citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” You proved that right last week when you successfully pressed luxury jeweller Harry Winston to stop buying gems from Myanmar. This week, let’s stay focused on the oil companies … Read more

You did it! Harry Winston stops selling Burmese Rubies

Harry Winston

Under pressure, Harry Winston announces it will no longer sell #GenocideGems International Campaign for the Rohingya applauds the announcement today by luxury jeweler Harry Winston that it will stop buying gems that originate from Myanmar (Burma).  In a post to its social media, Harry Winston (owned by Swatch) announced today that it “will no longer … Read more

Can you join us on World Genocide Day?

World Genocide Day

Thursday, December 9, 2021, is World Genocide Day. Friday, December 10, 2021, is World Human rights Day. On Thursday, we plan to march from the US Mission to the UN to the Harry Winston New York City headquarters where we will give them our petitions demanding they stop funding the Myanmar military. On World Human Rights … Read more

Burma is burning

Burma is burning

The Myanmar military is building up troops and equipment in Chin State and neighboring areas in North-Western Burma. This past week, the Myanmar military has burned down homes and churches in the Chin town of Thantlang. We are concerned that the military is on the verge of a large-scale offensive against civilians, using tactics ominously reminiscent … Read more